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Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Short Note from The Raving Reviewer :

Here at The Reviewers, We try to write about items that aren't so easy to come by. We like the rare and the unique, and the eclectic that bring about a new aura of presence.

This is why we spend our time scouring through chat boxes to find the lesser known stores that stock up on these fashionable, but not mainstream, goodies.
Because of their hard work, great style sense, and dedication to bring you unique pieces, we'd like to see them grow and become top e-shops, and we believe that by exposing them in the form of good articles are the best way to do so.

We hope that you feel the same way, and choose to join our team of Reviewers by writing articles on anything to do with the Malaysian Online Shopping Scene, or simply by sticking with us.

So tell your mom, your dad, you neighbors, and your pet goldfish!
'Cos The Reviewers are here to stay, And We're Recruiting Writers!!!

Yours Truly,
The Raving Reviewer!

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