A couple of days ago, we received an email recommending us to this site called Etoffe.
The email came from an extremely satisfied reoccurring customer of the site, who really wanted to share the site with everyone else. That's our intention for The Reviewers : To have everyone give positive feedback and recommendations for fellow shoppers and/or shop owners!
Now, because she didn't happen to include a link, we were determined to find the store, so we scoured through other blog shop directories, dozens of chat boxes, and finally, came to our senses and checked out Emmagem's awesome list of blog shops (Silly us not to think of it first!)
So when we finally got there, we were hungry for retail inspiration, and guess what?
We got just what we wanted.
And more...
Check it out for yourselves!
Plain Maxi Dresses in contrasting colours!
Who woulda' thought that you could play around with the more vibrant shades for maxi's, and still look positively posh in them at the same time!?
Made of high quality Lycra, this piece is sure to hug your bod in all the right spots.
Only for RM65? No way! =D
They also carry stocks in plain black!
The extremely beautiful tie-dye inspired De Tordo Hermoso.
Another great piece that I have yet to come across somewhere else. So far, this tops the list in my book of matte maxi's. It's retro funky fun for all you peace lovin' hippies out there, or just you stylo-milo's who wanna make a statement.
This dress says it best!
And only for RM65?
Shouldn't even have to think about it!
Next up : Lola's Waisted Belt for only RM29!
Plain, simple, stylish and will definitely complete any outfit that you decide to put a little oomph into. T-Shirt dresses, to Sexy Maxi's, to those lazy oversized-shirt-and-skinnies days.
Printed Hoodies and Grecian Bandeu Dresses!
I've seen these around at other stores, but the difference in Etoffe, is that they're still available!
The Dress is retailing at RM58, and is available in Yellow, Black, and Blue, while the hoodie is going for RM49!
And finally, we've saved the best for last :
Break the cliche with the new breed of ancient footwear!
It's the Greeks meet the Cowboy version of the classic Glad, tumbled and turned into these babies!
Tassles and all!
We say : YEEE-HAW!
For only RM65, you'll be able to start galloping around yourself with Etoffe's Leather Fringed Glads! Hurry, though! They're sold out and restocking!
Comes in Black and Brown.
Alas, here are our favorite sold out peices :
Tailcoats! Oh how we loved those!
Slim Scarves! Oh why didn't we get to you before Etoffe...?
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